Brian and Bobbie

Within a few years of its inception, Hillsong, under the leadership of Brian and Bobbie, began to church plant outside the borders of Australia. Initially in Kiev (Ukraine) and London, these global campuses expanded into 30 nations, with congregations in many of these cities numbering in the thousands also. The desire was always that these locations would impact their nation and surroundings. By 2019, Hillsong Australia was averaging 47,000 in weekend attendance, with over 150,000 in global attendance in major cities across the world.
Unique to Hillsong and Pastor Brian Houston’s instinctive leadership was a devoted team with an inspiring can-do spirit. The outflow of an Apostolic mantle is the release it brings to others. Together and with a spirit of genuine unity, the (Hillsong) house began to expand and flourish into the vision that had been entrusted :
WORSHIP has always been part of the journey. In the early 1980’s, Brian encouraged a fledgling worship team to begin to write “music and songs” that would not only connect with the human soul and people of all age and demographic, but also music that would resonate with theological declaration and truth. A desire to steward modern day anthems, songs of praise and God glorifying worship that would unlock the presence of God in individuals and in local congregations was at the heart of this vision. Hillsong Music has for several decades now impacted the lives of multitudes on every continent of the earth. Three notable brands emerged: HillsongUnited; Young & Free; and Hillsong Worship. As God opened both door and opportunity, worship concerts have packed iconic venues such as the Hollywood Bowl, Madison Square Garden, the Staples Center and Red Rocks. As testimony to the glory of God, Hillsong worship has garnered recognition at the very top of both Christian and mainstream music — including multiple Platinum and Gold albums; Grammy nominations and Grammy Award; American Music Awards; Billboard Awards; Dove Awards and other industry recognition. Even though awards were never the focus, these awards bear testimony to the Grace of God and the miraculous penetration that worship brings to the table.
Hillsong College birthed and has grown to attract thousands of international students for studies ranging from Diploma courses, to Theology Degrees with Masters programs and pathways to PhD’s in Theology. The invitation to participate and contribute to growing congregations (and signature conference events) enabled attending students to learn in practical settings and in ways they might never have had access to. A great distinctive of the college was students hungry for a move of God in their own lives and the hands-on opportunity to grow their individual gift, talent and calling. Tens of thousands of Hillsong College Alumni are serving God around the world and remain a testimony to God’s Spirit fine-tuning the call of God upon us all.
Reaching and influencing the world saw the emergence of Hillsong Television and Film. Echoing the vision within his heart, Brian Houston cut new ground with faith based television. For over 30years his teaching and preaching program was seen weekly around the world. This initiative evolved into the Hillsong Channel, which in cooperation with TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network) and a valued team alongside, brought innovative Christian programming to cable television, international streaming and subscription based programming. As echoed in Brian’s “The Church that I See”, the gospel reached and ministered far beyond the four walls of Hillsong into palaces and prisons, lounge-rooms and hearts looking for encouragement and truth.
MULTI-CAMPUS CHURCH. Multi-campus church is not uncommon now, but in 1999 when Hillsong merged two individual churches into “one church”, the model of multi-campus was almost unheard of. Brian and Bobbie pioneered new ground in this realm of church expansion, with the missional objective to be more effective in reaching cities and nations with the Gospel.
GENERATIONAL LEADERSHIP. Also unique and tangibly inspiring to the Body of Christ, was the spirit of Hillsong staff and leadership teams. Decades of raising, training and releasing leadership meant that many “sons and daughters of the house” were encouraged and empowered to reach and influence also. Continually exhorting that “what we are a part of is bigger than the part we play”, enabled many prominent ministries to emerge and experience not only local impact, but global.

AFTER 40 YEARS of effective church building, Pastors Brian and Bobbie are moving into their next phase of ministry and are committed to inspire those who value the same. Their Apostolic and prophetic ministry has left a powerful imprint on the Body of Christ globally. They believe in the potential of people, and the goodness and magnificence of the Church on the earth. The world has changed and will continue to change - but the timeless, tried and proven principles of the Kingdom don’t. They require a bold and tenacious witness of pastors, shepherds, leaders and innovators who carry the unchanging heart of God. Regarded as mentors and spiritual parents to many in the faith, the foundations of building an environment that welcomes and believes in the potential of men, women and young people; of raising and releasing generations; of recognising the art of staffing from within; of seeing and identifying the gold within people; of lifting and breaking ceilings; of reaching cities and nations with compassion and care - these things and much more remain of paramount conviction to this couple. As many observing their lives would attest, they have endured and persevered amid uncanny opposition and persecution, yet they remain unshaken and focused when it comes to the things of God.
Enlarge your vision,
There is More!
As they move forward, Pastor Brian (with Bobbie alongside) are committed to consult church pastors and teams; mentor CEO’s and church leadership; crisis consult; facilitate round table events and more. They are also available to teach, preach and minister wherever they may be a blessing.

Within a few short years, Hillsong became Australia’s largest single church congregation, and began to expand into an international landscape as pastors, leaders and those hungry for a move of God lent into the leadership mantle and the sound of fresh (and contemporary) worship that was rising and resonating from this particular house.
Around the same time, the Hillsong Conference emerged in a manner that unified the broadest parameters of the Body of Christ. It birthed initially as a Worship conference, but quickly morphed into its greater purpose - “to champion the cause of local churches everywhere” - again with an emphasis on Leadership, Worship and Social Justice. As pastors and teams from around the world aligned with this annual gathering, the mandate of building “the Church” in a life-giving manner, and its renown as an oasis of inspiration and vision spread. Hosted in both hemispheres, it filled to capacity stadiums such as the Acer Arena in Sydney and the 02 Arena in London. It gave platform to many emerging ministries, speakers and teachers of the Word, with the sentiment often heard that “more is caught than taught”. As church builders gathered each year - the fruit of witnessing firsthand a healthy church with a spirit of servanthood upon it, inspired many to do likewise in their own cities and settings.
In the late 90’s, Bobbie also birthed the Colour conference. In essence it had the same spirit as the Hillsong conference, but with a focus to believe in the value and potential of women. It marked a new chapter for women within the Body of Christ and for 26years it served a global landscape with the conference hosted in Sydney, London, Cape Town, Kiev and the United States. The “spirit of sisterhood” saw many humanitarian initiatives birth - again, empowering women to return to their local communities and churches and bring solution and change. The dynamic to care (with fresh compassion and innovation) for the broken, impoverished and captive of this world inspired many churches to rethink their local and global approach to mission and making a difference in the earth.